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Assess real skills

Enhance the interview and evaluation process with AI-based assessments to hire the best talents. Evaluate a candidates’ skills, competencies, and cognitive abilities to make more informed hiring decisions based on real science and data.

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Select the right candidate with assessment simulations


A fair and skills-based hiring process by making candidates show what they can do in job simulations and skills assessments. Our growing library of skills assessments is tailor-made for you with avatars that simulate on-the-job tasks and interact with the candidate. Simply select one, invite your candidates to do it and get the results automatically on the candidate profile.

Unlock new possibilities for your HR team with AI machine learning - companies that embrace the power of AI, for their people management, have a competitive advantage.

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Let candidates show what they bring to the table, by immersing them on job-related simulations

Objectively evaluate your candidates skills, problem-solving capabilities, human interaction with AI algorithms and machine learning technologies by making getting to know your candidates easy and data driven. Identifying candidates who possess the skills needed to get the job done can be a real challenge - by relying on our technology you exclude human bias and base your decisions on real data.

  • Invite candidates to your assessments based on the job - after your screening step (or whenever you see fit)
  • Gain meaningful insights of candidates capabilities based on job-related tasks
  • Get instant results with written and recorded data as well as a summary analysis shareable with your team
  • Create a real and unique assessment experience to hire top talent
Our complete guide on assessments

Set up your own assessment center

Leverage AI and machine learning capabilities to assess real skills, thus saving time and enhancing objectivity when recruiting by creating job-related simulations to evaluate a candidate's fit to the role. Our 5 years of R&D allow us to offer never-seen-before assessments based on simulations set up with your team and our researchers. Verbal, non-verbal & written communication as well as actions during the assessment are evaluated and real data analyses are generated to help you choose the right fit for the job.

  • Predefine the criteria to set up relevant assessments for your industry
  • Embrace technology to ensure effective and science-based evaluations with instant results & evidence
  • Focus on job-related behaviors and skills by immersing you candidates remotely, anytime, anywhere thanks to assessment library
  • Our AI adapts the simulation according to candidates previous responses and actions, thus making it consistent

Types of skills evaluations

Job-related simulations

Assess your candidates skills, personality and work style, how they respond to daily job-related challenges, their interpersonal skills and more. Our proprietary machine learning and AI technology makes it possible to base your decision in real data, thus preventing human bias and making sure retention is at highest rate long term.

AI generated technical tests

Based on the role you’re hiring for and the important skills required for the job, may they be hard or soft skills, let AI generate the tests - use it across the company for foreign language skills, coding, analytical tests and more.

Stop hiring solely on experience and start screening the potential of your candidates for better talent retention. According to a study by Deloitte, organizations who base their hiring decisions on skills are 98% more likely to retain high performers.


more likely to retain top talent
for companies who base their 

hiring decisions on skills