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AI Generation

Save time in your hiring process without missing any steps

Designed to significantly save time in hiring, the AI Generation feature is essential to redefine traditional hiring practices and make informed decisions. By providing automatic generation in one click, the following steps become so light - job role description, templated messages, multilingual communication with candidates, translation, production of skills evaluations tests, form creations, and many more.

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Job role definition

Job role definition

AI Generation assists your HR team in creating and refining job roles based on industry norms and organizational needs. The feature creates job role templates, representing an overview on skills and responsibilities needed for the job. This allows you to then let it generate accurate and thorough job descriptions, ensuring that job criteria and candidate expectations are aligned.

Job description

Job description

It is essential for talent acquisition and HR teams to write appealing job descriptions that fully represent your brand’s message and culture, and in order to attract top talent. sweeeft’s AI generates captivating job descriptions using natural language processing algorithms and data-driven insights - and thanks to the job role definition above. It saves you substantial time, effort and resources, and fully adapts to your writing criteria - in just a few clicks.

Templated messages

Templated messages

sweeeft’s offers easy interaction with your candidates - it sends automatic communications to candidates at various stages of the hiring process, such as application confirmations, interview invitations, rejection alerts - and more messages that you can ask it to generate for you. It does so by analyzing candidate data, interview outcomes, and predetermined message templates (that you can save for your campaigns), ensuring consistent and timely communication with candidates and a smooth experience for them.

Multilingual communication and translation

Multilingual communication and translation

Effective communication with candidates from backgrounds in foreign languages is critical in today's global workforce. sweeeft’s AI Generation provides automatic multilingual communication capabilities, allowing HR professionals to communicate with candidates in the in foreign languages. It can generate and translate your messages, emails, and notifications in several languages, providing clear and concise communication with candidates. Translation of job descriptions and other HR-related content is possible.

Skills-evaluations test production

Skills-evaluations test production

Assessing candidate skills is an essential aspect of the hiring process. Our feature generates skills evaluation tests with quizzes upon your request and creates reports when the results come in. This objective, data-driven method helps HR professionals identify applicants with the needed skill sets and assess their fit for specific job openings.

Form creations

Form creations

Within the HR hiring system, our feature automates the creation and maintenance of numerous forms, such as application forms, interview feedback forms, and more. By eliminating manual form development and entry, sweeeft saves you time, ensures data quality, and boosts productivity, allowing HR teams to focus on key activities and improve the candidate experience.